Welcome to SFTV
SFTV is an exclusive space for those of us who love film clips (special thanks to Rage and Video Hits!) and for those of you who want to make them for us. That's why we've made the order completely random - to give all our creatives an equal shot at stardom! Enjoy the show - it's on us.
Zia - Underground
Zia - addictive basslines, catchy songs, soulful voice and powerful presence. In short she rocks - from her very core - but it is not size that matters. It is the hunger, thirst and lust: the intent in her music and strength of delivery that has seen her work with some of the country's most regarded talent.
Hellmut Wolf - I Want to Have Sex With You dance Version
Hellmut Wolf AKA “The Wolfman” Created the songs on this album which were recorded over the last 15 years in various situations with the input of many different people. As such the album is more of a compilation than a record that was created in a certain time period.