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1. We believe all creatives should get up to 90% returns for their creations
2. We believe independent creatives need one centralised, unified social hub to call home
3. We believe this home should be as visually invigorating as its content
We are an independent grassroots company wholly committed to digitally publishing and promoting the works of independent creatives: amazing musicians, authors and filmmakers actively pursuing their dreams.
Some eight years ago, Byron Bay’s flourishing underground music scene gave rise to the idea that seeded, sprung wings and snow balled into the digital playground that is Sound Foundation.
Everything we do is based on our governing ethos, Be Free – Be Independent, and we do it for our community as a whole: our creatives, their crowds and our guests.
Sound Foundation is resetting an industry standard that properly considers and remunerates independent creatives (digital content providers) for their creations via a state of the art setting.
We’re disillusioned with the self-perpetuating cycle that devastates a brilliant idea by fraying its landscape so significantly that one must be across all competitors to be noticed at all. So, what now? Well, we've reached that point in the cycle when the people demand a correction to the system and that's exactly where we intend to fit in!
  • We don’t engage in syndicate platform aggregation (on-selling your content to other platforms) because we don’t believe in middlemen who significantly dilute your royalty returns
  • Creatives get the absolute majority of their royalties (you choose 50%, 70% or 90%), regain total control of their content and gain access to all the tools they need to move their content online
  • Crowds are automatically granted lifetime membership when they make their first purchase with us and get rewarded when they sell content direct from their Stashes profile page to others
  • We are working to unify the fragmented indie publishing landscape so:
  • Creatives don’t have to sign up to multiple sites to reach one global audience that has been separated by businesses, not demographics!
  • Crowds can head to one social hub - our social network - to get every indie need met!
We have applied strategy to every facet of our platform to maximise the simplicity, ease and appeal to our creatives, their crowds and our guests.
Ex-Clemenger BBDO creative Lawrence Eastland conceptualised Sound Foundation in 2004 as a means to attract graphic design clients and redefine the playing field that unjustly absorbed the majority of creators' royalties for their content.
Sound Foundation transitioned from concept to reality in 2005 when it became the first fully licensed online music distributor in Australia in accordance with APRA/AMCOS regulations. Lawrence personally changed the 'no broadcasting' law in Australia and New Zealand to permit legal streaming of songs, which is still capped at 30 seconds per track.
In 2009 Sound Foundation broadened its capabilities to cater for eBook authors. Today, eBooks are the most sold items online.
In 2011 Sound Foundation welcomed two business partners who provided the resources to start designing and developing Sound Foundation 2.0.
Today, Sound Foundation is thrilled to announce the impending launch of its new platform that digitally publishes and promotes indie content to its global community that stretches across 35-plus countries.


“Lawrence Eastland is someone I have known for many years. During this time I have been witness to his professional design ability and amazing knowledge of the internet and technology as a whole. Sound Foundation is a guaranteed winner and I believe it will open the door for many young Australian artists to get their music out to a national and international market.”
Pete Murray - Sony Music - Recording Artists.